Tuesday, April 8, 2008

How cool.

This morning these cute little guys were outside on the deck! They fly around like sparrows and travel loudly in groups.

Saturday, April 5, 2008

Soccer Starts

The girls soccer started today. They are in the womens league and play on Sundays. We have 23c sitting in the sun which was just amazing. Both fields we went to today had canteens and sausage sizzles - which includes bacon egg sausage etc for our bread. I even got a coffee from the seond one. Fair to say Andy was quite pleased. The girls in the teams are nice girls and the parents have been very welcoming and friendly.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Ducklings at Kindy

At Noah's kindy this week ten eggs were delivered and here are the results.


I went to Melbourne in the weekend and met my sister Jo who was there for work. It was lovely. I also got to catch up with an old friend Fiona which was great as it was about three years since we last saw each other. It was cold in Melbourne but was still suitable to shopping.!!


We went for a drive a couple of weeks ago and found a beautiful playground under the Harbour bridge.

Camilla arrives!

We were excited to have Camilla and her family from Tawa Montessori visit a couple of weeks ago. They have moved to Mosman which is about 10 minutes from us. Noah was thrilled to have her visit and it is great to have a familiar face living so close. Small world!!

Clever Noah

The teachers at kindy are amazed at Noah and how he can follows instructions etc and how he thinks. They also like how he is nice and caring to the smaller children. Anyway here is a picture of Noah with the tractor he built following the instructions in the book. he was very proud of himself.

Easter Hat Parade

One of the traditions in Australia is for the children to make Easter hats at school. We were to provide an icecream container (a two litre one - not the little one I did) and then the children decorate at school. On the Friday before easter the parents (picnic baskets, mobile coffee van etc) go the the school and the children parade their hats. We were thrilled as Molly won in her class with her cool creation. Kaitlyn has a buddy in kindergarten (what they call new entrants) and she helped make his hat.

Our view

We are staggered night after night at the beautiful view we have - it changes all the time! What do you think?


Here are the kids on my birthday having an icecream down at Manly wharf. We ate pizza on the beach which was just beautiful.


Noah was very excited with the spiderman toy he got from his cousin Kyan (Thanks Kyan and family). Noah is doing great and loves kindy - he is really happy going and I am really pleased with the centre - was quite different from Montessori which we loved ( the the lovely teachers he had !!) and so did Noah, but we had little choice here, there were no spaces at the local Montessori. The kindy is council run and has lovely new buildings and a lovely outdoor area. They write and take photos each day of what the children have done and talk to me each day to tell me what Noah did.

Here are the girls

They are growing and getting browner and fitter. They are both really busy with soccer, tennis and netball is about to start soon. They are making lots of friends which has been great.