Monday, May 26, 2008

Noahs Garden!!

Noah had a date with Dad on Sunday. He was looking forward to going out with Andy all week and thought we would like to go to a carnival. Anyway on the day he decided that he would like Dad to take him to Bunnings and buy tools in the process he decided that he would like to plant a garden. the result is pretty cool. This morning when he woke up the first thing he did was run outside to check his plants. i think this follows on from his success as sunflower planting at Granny and Pas before we moved.


This is what the girls whipped us for us for dessert on Sunday night from a packet. They love cooking and must be taking after Martin in the department.

Molly and Taronga Zoo

Molly class last week spent a night at Taronga Zoo. She had an amazing time and has made herself a cool book with all of her photos. This two girls are friends from school, the long haired one is Emilija who Molly has just clicked with. They have a lovely time together.

Winter Uniforms

Next week is the official switch over for winter uniforms. Funnily enough is is really still too warm for them which is hard to imagine being almost June. We will wait a few weeks before we add the stockings!! p.s they have their sleeves rolled up!

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Here are just some cool shots!

Just a couple of cool photos of the kids!

Tom is 17!

The girls made Tom a cake for his birthday last week to go with the "handbag" we bought him.

Our view

Once again we are amazed how it changes here are a couple of new shots!

Noah Turns 4!!!!

Wow where did that time go - but here he is blowing out his candles.

High School Musical on Ice

We travelled to Acer Arena for the show - which is the Sydney Stadium grounds (what a huge pace just like a little city). The show was fantastic - Molly loves HSM and she just loved the show. It was so quick getting in and out of the venue and the merchandise was so cool - Molly was beside herself. Kate was tried not to show how much she enjoyed it!!